Teachers and Students


Answer all questions in full, self-explanatory sentences.  Heading, ‘The Treaty of Neuilly with Bulgaria’.

  1. Re Tsaribrod, &c, why did Britain & France give Yugoslavia parts of western Bulgaria?
  2. Why did the Americans oppose giving Yugoslavia parts of western Bulgaria?
  3. Why did Britain and France restore Southern Dobrudja to Romania?
  4. Why did the Americans oppose restoring Southern Dobrudja to Romania?
  5. How did the Americans argue against giving Western Thrace to Greece?
  6. Why did Britain and France give Western Thrace to Greece?
  7. Why did the Bulgarians think that the treaty made them militarily weak?
  8. What was the Bulgarian objection to reparations?
  9. Why, given their doubts, did the United States sign the Treaty of Neuilly?
  10. What was the popular response in Bulgaria?

  11. Extension question.  Read ‘Aftermath’, pages 5-12.  How can it be argued that the Treaty of Neuilly was a failure?

Leeper and Romania

Answer all qs. in full, self-explanatory sentences.  Heading, ‘The settlement with Romania’.

  1. Why did Romanians feel they had a right to receive territory?
  2. Why (page 3) did the Allies (the ‘peacemakers’) give Southern Dobrudja to Romania?
  3. Why did the Allies give Transylvania to Romania?
  4. Why did the Allies give Bessarabia to Romania?
  5. Why did the Allies give Bukovina to Romania?
  6. How and why was the Banat divided (a quick look back to page 2 might help here)?
  7. What is the meaning of ‘Fledgling leap’?
  8. How, from August 1919, did Romania’s conduct in Hungary cause tension between Romania and the Allies (‘The spoils of victory’)?
  9. The Romanians withdrew from Budapest in November and signed the modified Minorities Treaty in December 1919.  Why was there still tension between Romania and the Allies (until March 1920)? 
  10. Pages 11-13.  How were Lloyd George’s doubts about Trianon (the treaty with Hungary) resolved?
  11. How was the Bessarabian question resolved?

Extension questions. 
1. Review the territorial changes and go online to find the territories.  Make a rough map to show how the peace settlement expanded Romania.
2. Read ‘After Trianon’ (elsewhere on the website).  How can it be argued that the Romanian settlement was a failure?


Answer all questions in full, self-explanatory sentences.  Heading, ‘Yugoslavia’.

  1. If the peacemakers in Paris did not create Yugoslavia, what did they try to do?
  2. What did the British and Americans want to do with Trieste, Gorizia and western Istria?
  3. What did the British and American experts want to do with Fiume and Dalmatia?
  4. How (page 3) did the dispute over Fiume burst into public view in April 1919 and provoke an Italian walkout?
  5. How did Gabriele d’Annunzio’s seizure of Fiume make a settlement more difficult?
  6. What caused the failure of Lloyd George’s January 1920 attempt to settle the Adriatic question?  (Wilson’s response.)
  7. Go forward to ‘Defeat’ on page 11.  Why is the Treaty of Rapallo seen as a defeat for Yugoslavia?
  8. How did Mussolini complete the defeat of Yugoslavia?

Extension questions. 

  • Read The North, pages 7-11.  Produce a one-paragraph summary (max. 150 words) to describe Yugoslavia’s mixed success in the north.
  • Read pp. 10-13 of ‘Leeper and Yugoslavia’ (elsewhere in the website) for an in-depth treatment of the Lloyd George-inspired January Compromise of January 1920.


Answer all questions in full, self-explanatory sentences.  Heading, ‘Montenegro’.

  1. How did Montenegro lose its independence in November-December 1918?
  2. Why did Italy oppose Serbia’s acquisition of Montenegro?
  3. What did ‘the empty chair’ mean in practice?
  4. See ‘What Montenegrins wanted’ on pages 5-6.  What did the peacemakers in Paris believe was the wish of most Montenegrins?
  5. Why should the Salis report (pages 6-7) of August 1919 be seen as a flawed exercise?
  6. How was Montenegro ‘a mere pawn in a bigger game’ (page 9)?
  7. Why was the fate of Montenegro ‘not Britain’s finest hour’ (page 10)? 


Answer all questions in full, self-explanatory sentences.  Heading, ‘Albania’.

  1. What did the Treaty of London promise Italy in relation to Albania?
  2. What did Serbia and Greece want in Albania?
  3. Albania as pawn: why did Britain want to give Italy the port of Valona and ‘a protectorate over central Albania’ (page 2)?
  4. Why (2-3) was the future of Koritsa the main stumbling block in the way of a settlement?
  5. How, on 5 June 1919 (page 8) and 9 February 1920 (page 11) did Prime Minister Turkhan Pasha and Britain’s James Headlam-Morley criticise the Peace Conference’s approach to the Albanian question?  (Do not produce two separate answers; combine them.)
  6. Allen Leeper wrote that “if you could only persuade the claimants [Greece, Serbia and Italy] that their rivals wanted nothing, they would all be prepared to clear out” (page 12).  Read ‘The eagle ascends’ (pp. 11-14), including the last paragraph’s ‘nobody wanted Albania as much as the Albanians’ (14), and then write a one-paragraph explanation (max. 150 words) of Albania’s success in achieving national independence.

Sèvres (or Catastrophe at Smyrna)

Answer all questions in full, self-explanatory sentences.  Heading, ‘The Treaty of Sèvres’.

  1. What was the British attitude towards (a) Greece and (b) Venizelos?
  2. How did the Adriatic question help to persuade Wilson to support Lloyd George in pushing the Greeks into Smyrna in May 1919?
  3. What, in the end, was ‘the most important result of the Greek occupation of Smyrna’?
  4. What was agreed at the London Conference of February 1920 (and confirmed at Sèvres on 10 August 1920) with regard to (a) Smyrna, and (b) other territories?
  5. How (in a nutshell) did the Smyrna decision seem to many observers (Robeck, Churchill, Curzon, Sir Henry Wilson) to court disaster?  Pick out the main idea they had in common.
  6. Write out and complete this sentence: ‘The Greeks fought successfully against the Turks in July 1920 and March-August 1921; however, the Turks counterattacked in August 1922 and …’
  7. What happened in Smyrna?
  8. What was the final outcome in terms of (a) population movements, and (b) territory?

Note that the above does not include the changes that Sèvres made in the Middle East.